We all start new journeys, and this is mine.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It's New

So heeey. How's a nice new blog for a brand new start, huh? Alot of stuff has changed lately. Things I never thought would happen. Just goes to show that you can never fully know what's ahead of you, and can never "plan" your future. God's got his own plans.
I'd say it's a fair blend of good and bad. You gotta live with the bad if you wanna get the good.

So I started public schoolll. Having never been to a public school in my entire life, that was a huge change. Definitely a new experience. Now, being 15, I was emotionally prepared. There was nothing new socially. I knew about drugs, I'd heard language, seen alot of movies I maybe shouldn't have; I'm a teenager. I'm familiar with the goings-on in society, and what's expected, what's seen, and what's usual. What I wasn't ready for was letting go of what I already had.

Now, being the first born child, I'm the one that sticks my neck out first, that acts all big and grown up when I'm really just trying to be brave, obtain my role of being the oldest, most mature, grown up one. I really just talk big. I was being very.... clueless. I didn't know what I was getting in to. To be honest, I never thought it'd happen. So of course I was into the idea. I didn't know what I was getting into.

Granted, it was a good time for this to happen. There was a natural break in life. Starting new was going to happen no matter where I was.
I thought it was going to be somewhere else. I'd had plans for memories elsewhere. I was ready to start a new year at Temple, expecting way less drama, and just a fun year all around.

Yeah... that's not what I got.

I'm not complaining. It's turned out really well.
It was really hard at first. When you're so sure of something, then it changes at the last minute, you get caught a little off guard. It's hard to let go of something you were looking forward to. Who knows, maybe this will be better than what I had planned?

I have a really positive attitude now, but t was a really hard switch. Public school is a totally new atmosphere. In a way, it's so much more laid back. And if you know me, you know that's what I like. (:
It's so much easier to wake up and choose whatever I want to wear to school that day. My outfits reflect my mood.
For teenagers, identity is a BIG thing. It defines who you are,  what you are, what you wanna be, who you wanna be like, what you wanna do, what you won't do. Those are all very important to people who are just starting to make those decisions for themselves. And when someone takes that away from you, what do you do? I think that's where teenagers get their defiance. Sooooooo...


Those are KILLER. That is the surest way to take a person's identity. One of the many misfortunes of being "a child".

I've unlocked one of the many mysteries created by teens. Why are there such crazy hairstyles or clothes styles? Why would anyone want to look like that?
It's simple, and I believe that if we would take the time to think about it, we'd all know the answer, instead of just judging people instantly.
In such a vast world filled with billions of people, what sets you apart from everyone else? We're all trying to be an individual; to find a way to get people to remember you as YOU and not have you be lost in all the crowds on the earth.

I find that the more I attend public school, the more I find myself trying to find ways to stand out, to be remembered. Now think. I've been there for, about 9 weeks. Can you imagine blending in for 15 years?

All this to say that it's hard enough being a teenager with all the usual changes going on. Now to add MORE change?
It's been tough. But you know what? I think the outcome is better than what I was before. My mind has been opened to many more possibilities, my perspectives changed, my will pushed, my emotions strengthened, and my determination tested.
I'm stronger than I was before.
Could you handle it?

In every situation, think about the future outcome, the positive. You may be at one end of the rainbow, and to get to the other side, you've got to cross through the colorless. But who says you won't make it to the end? Will you end up stronger than before? Is it possible that, after everything, it'll all be worth pushing through to the other end of the rainbow?

Find YOUR journey.
 -from the mind of Hannah Jean Cummings. Food for thought.

1 comment:

  1. Same thing happened to me (though not against my will). Looking back now I would say after being brought up in a Christian school going to a public high school was the best decision my parents made for me, as a person. The diversity, the reality, finally being out of the bubble, changed me forever, I feel in a good way. So glad you're doing better about it all now, enjoy the journey!
