We all start new journeys, and this is mine.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Blast to the... Future?

Hello Bloggers.
It's been a million years since I've been on here. And porbably, the only reason I am is because I've had the whole week off because of snow, ice, etc. No school? Total bonus. Stuck inside all those days? Not so... appealing...
So, having nothing to do in this time, alot has been running through my mind. I've realized that I can never get anything done when I have hours of free time. Yet, when I'm completely busy doing stuff, all I want is to have just a few free hours to get stuff done. You may say, why is this, Hannah? I've come to the conclusion that I lack motivation when I have free time. I think, "Oh, I can just do that later since I have all this time." But when I AM busy and I get a bit of free time, I get started on the things that need to be done. Who knows when I'll get that time again. So, sadly, I can never be a bum, or I will forever, be bummy and bored.

During Christmas, I got a few books to a new series I wanted to read.
I think that actually starting the book is the hardest part. The beginnings are always filled with facts, setting the scene, boring stuff. It's when the story really starts that it catches your attention.
I've tried to start this series in my ample free time. It's been tough, but I REALLY want to read it. It's written by one of my few idols.
Lauren Conrad.
I feel that she copes well with her fame, while still maintaining her dignity.
I admire that.
I've seen so many people come into the lime light, then fall out so quickly due to corruption. It's nice to find a person that can stick it out.
She's really fashionable, obviously, since she owns her own clothes line and such.
She stayed composed throughout all the drama on Laguna Beach and The Hills and tried to avoid it, but she was still a good friend with solid advice to her friends.
Anyways.... so I'm excited to read the series.
It's crazy how much someone can hate to do homework. All this free time and I have yet to muster the courage to tackle the homework. I don't even have that much!
I'll have to do it soon anyways, since school starts again in a day and a half.
I just need to suck it up and DO IT.
A good motto for life, I think.
Unless it's about sex. Then abstinence is key! ;P
(at least till marraige)

{February 21, 2011}
Yeah, so life kinda picked up. All those days off meant overtime in work.

I survived.

Like always.
That's something I will forever have to remind myself.
Life WILL get me down. Sometimes, it gets me really, really low. But I always seem to make it back up. I will always survive. Unless I die..... Which isn't likely at this time, or any time soon, I hope.
There's no such thing as an easy, breezy life. Those just don't exist, to everyone's dismay.

Anyways, I've done aaaalllooottt of thinking, again.
We're planning out graduation schedules, signing up for AP tests, getting letters from colleges, and me, personally, working to keep all my grades above an 80, so I don't have to take semester tests.
Now, with all that future planning, you've gotta know I'm thinking about the future. Which one may say is useless since life doesn't exactly follow our plans. But, let's face it, thinking about the future is inevitable. And sometimes good. Thinking towards the future helps get you through those tough times.
But I've been considering SEVERAL paths for my future.
Not really a great time to be reconsidering the things you've been planning most of your life, considering that they're so soon, but it's happening.
Fortunately, it's not like I have to decide everything RIGHT NOW. I've got some breathing room. I should focus on my immediate life right now. LIKE, homework.... Yupp, I still have to do some.
I had planned on spending all day on it and getting everything done and feeling really great.
But that didn't happen.... I'm not as stressed as I was last week though. Last week was a killer. The 3-day weekend was much needed.
Funny how that works though. The weekedn just flew by. I'm never going to have enough time...

Anyways. I am just SOOO excited for summer.
This is going to be the best summer yet. I know it.
The weather's already feeling great. I just need to kick up my drivers ed stuff if I wanna get my license in 3 months. Geez, SO MUCH WORK!!
With school work, driving work, house work, and other work, I don't know how I get anything done! I don't know how I keep from daily mental break downs!

That saying, "Don't bite off more than you can take," is very much in act right now....
Lesson learned.

Until next time...

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